Alki Brick & Plaque Project

Statue of Liberty Plaza

This project was completed in 2010


The Alki Community Council thanks all those who, over the years, have contributed through the purchase of engraved bricks and bronze plaques for the Alki Statue of Liberty Plaza.

The Alki Community Council (ACC) brick and plaque sale was a success. Total orders for engraved bricks and Tribute Plaques have raised $75,505. The ACC is allowed to retain a 7% fiscal sponsor fee. In addition, expenses incurred during the sale, office supplies, postage, engraving of the bricks, and casting of the plaques, are paid for by the Council from these funds. The remainder is turned over to Seattle Parks & Recreation where it is placed in a separate maintenance fund to be used for the upkeep of the statue and plaza.

The importance of having these funds available became apparent earlier this year. Problems developed with the patina on one of the pedestal plaques and on the statue. Parks was able to pay for a “conservation evaluation” and restoration work. This might not have been possible without a dedicated maintenance fund in these times of budgetary cutbacks.

An update of the project can be downloaded here (PDF).

Again, to everyone who made this project a success, THANK YOU!